Brain, Body and Technology Lab

Our Research

The BBT Lab in the Donders Centre for Cognition at Radboud University focuses on understanding the neural computations used by the human brain to construct and update internal models of the body. We employ a variety of techniques, including behavioral and neuroimaging methods, as well as computational modelling and machine learning.

Our primary goals are to understand:

Recent Projects

Body represenation in 3D

Sensorimotor control relies on the ability of our brain to accurately model the dimensions of the body. These models are constrcuted by integrating sensory input with prior geometric knowledge of the body. We are interested in the neurocomputational underpinnings of this...

Body-tool neural fusion

Humans often use tools to expand the ways that they can act on and shape their environment. Doing so requires the brain to adapts its models of body to account for changes in limb geometry and dynamics. Our lab is interested in to what extent technological extensions become fused with...

Tool-extended sensing

Humans can sense their surroundings through a tool; a blind person with their cane is a classic example. We have found that humans can localize touch on a tool as accurately as they can a body part. As they are not obviously innervated, this means that the brain has the ability to extract...

Selected Publications

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